Who are we? We're a concerned, creative, amazing group of MSU students and more. We are an independent group cosponsored by the Women's Center, WMGS department, Health Promotions, and SPECTRUMS. We are causing a scene to create a scene. We are Femme Vitales.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fem-orabilia Fundraiser 2011 Catalogue

Here is an updated, more polished Fem-orabilia Catalogue for the Femvolution:MSU fundraiser.  Patches come as standard, 3x5” black fabric swatches with white ink (unless otherwise specified) and run for $5.  You can also order buttons for $1.25 each or 2 for $2.  Please f-email your order or any questions to us!

For a joint fundraising and consciousness-raising initiative, we'll be selling Fem-orabilia in the form of buttons and patches.  So now you can support Femvolutionand celebrate your favorite females!  The following are some of our stencil options--feel free to comment on ones you like/hate, what you'd like to see up, and whatever else comes up so you can order one for every (wo)man you know! 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time to Shake off the Snow...

It's been a sleepy winter break, but with the advent of the new year and new semester, it's time to get back to work FEMinizing Montclair State University.

Over the next few weeks, you can expect to see...

  • Updates and details for submitting to our zine;
  • Artist information on getting involved in the Feminist Banner art project;
  • Updates to the FEMME Festival schedule;
  • Information on how to sign up for the burlesque workshop, attend the lecture and performance, and more events;
  • Future fundraising events and how to help support the Femvolution;
  • Registration for the Femme craft space (where you can rent space to sell your goods, network with other craftsters, or teach your skills to small groups of students);
  • Updates from our next meeting (to attend, please f-email your availability to us);
  • Information on our Stencil Party: how to get involved in silkscreening, how to submit requests for stencils, how to donate fabric swatches to a good cause, and how to start wearing your favorite feminists on your sleeve! (or bag, or shirt, or patch... more accurately)
Excited?  Of course you are.  So are we.  And we'd love to get you involved, so f-email us with your interests and availability, because we're always expanding our membership to dynamic Femmes.  And come by our next meeting!