Who are we? We're a concerned, creative, amazing group of MSU students and more. We are an independent group cosponsored by the Women's Center, WMGS department, Health Promotions, and SPECTRUMS. We are causing a scene to create a scene. We are Femme Vitales.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Supporting the Femvolution: or, When Redheads Collaborate

Recently, two lovely redheaded Vermonters (non-MSU students are still welcome to our Femvolution!) asked about supporting our projects through our fundraiser materials.  Up until now, I've been working under the assumption we would never stray far off campus, let alone Montclair, NĂ¼ Jersey, but they had a good point.  Even if we can't bring the FEMME Festival off MSU soil, we'd still love support for our feminist revival.

One level of on-campus support comes in the form of dropping your spare change in one of our brightly decorated donation jars.  And we would love it if you did!
Our donation jar, nestled comfortably among snacks in the WMGS office.  Come visit!

Our stationary donation jar is located in the WMGS Department, Dickson-120.  Visit the jar, if not the office, because you'll find lovely feminists milling around at almost any hour, and we love feminists.

Now, if you aren't the type to just give out "free money" to slackers like us, we'll also be selling goodies through several fundraisers throughout the year.  Dates will be posted as they are scheduled.  Following the December 7th and 8th first wave of Craft n' Conception Parties, we'll post a PDF of our ordering catalogue.  So even if you can make it to our in-person fundraisers, you can still show your (monetary) support for Femvolution.  And we can certainly use it.

Please check back soon for our updated Ordering Catalogue!

Craft n' Conception Parties: the First Wave

Join us for Femvolution's first ever Craft n' Conception Party!

This is a chance for us to talk, craft samplers for our fundraisers (which will be a huge component of our projects, because we need to raise funds if we're going to bring the Festival and zine to campus), and eat free food. Oh yes, there will be free food. Lunch and drinks will be provided.

What is involved in this meeting? 

❖ We'll be providing refreshments and snacks as well as crafting supplies for the following activities:

   ◊ decorating banners for our fundraising tables,
   ◊ pastie earrings,
   ◊ buttons,
   ◊ misc. feminist jewelry, 
   ◊ Girlie Activity Books,
   ◊ decorating Girlie Goodie bags,
   ◊ screen-printing projects,
   ◊ decorating donation jars for distribution and shifts among volunteers,
   ◊ Kama Sutra jigsaw puzzles, and
   ◊ crafting FEMME-orabilia for volunteers to keep and wear

❖ Before we hold our first fundraiser (which will be in the form of a bake sale), it would be great if we could put together a little catalogue to hand out with future items we'll be selling. Because some of the items we're thinking of selling take up more time than others, we'll offer pre-orders to the campus; that's where the pre-order catalogue comes in!

❖ This is a chance for everyone to brainstorm, or just sit around and talk if they're intimidated by all the glitter, and plan future volunteer opportunities that include...
   ◊ working on our zine (jobs include editing, writing articles, and production),
   ◊ signing up to table and collect donations on campus,
   ◊ networking with performers and speakers,
   ◊ working on the Festival's Scheduling,
   ◊ running around promoting Femvolution,
   ◊ and managing our various social networking sites.

In order to accommodate people's schedules,
there will be two Craft n' Conception Parties: one on Tuesday, December 7th from 12:30-2 p.m. (which I like to call the "day shift" (because that's cute)), and the other on Wednesday, December 8th from 7:30-9 p.m (which I'm calling "night vision" (because, again, I find it cute)).  If you have the chance to stop by both, please do! But be sure to RSVP individually to both.

At this point, we could use a few things from any volunteers willing to provide the following: hot glue guns, additional hot glue sticks, a photographer, mini cupcake trays, and a computer that gets internet access on campus.  If anyone can provide any of these things for one or both of the meetings, please e-mail Liouxsie.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

An Update

I just sent out the first Femvolution newsletter, so if anyone didn't get it and you're feeling left out, let me know and I'll get it to you!  It's one amazing newsletter...

Fliers and 2-D Promotionals

Any preferences?

Let's Get Right To It...

Who are we? We're a concerned, creative, amazing group of MSU students and more. We are an independent group cosponsored by the Women's Center, WMGS department, Health Promotions, and SPECTRUMS. We are causing a scene to create a scene. We are Femme Vitales.

Throughout this next year, we are planning an intense initiative to raise feminist consciousness on campus through a series of venues.

In an effort to raise feminist consciousness on campus, we are self-publishing a feminist-themed zine, which draws upon the resources and interests of Montclair State University’s diverse student population as well as our surrounding community organizations. One immediate goal of the zine is to accumulate students who already identify as feminists, and give them a tangible outlet to voice concerns and become a political presence through the creative, open outlet that the nature of zine production provides; our primary goal, however, is to reach those who are either apathetic or hostile towards the feminist movement in a fun, accessible format that at once makes feminist activism realistic and exciting. We will approach an apprehensive audience with a view of feminism that is specifically relevant to New Jersey college students.

Our zine's debut issue will coincide with another big event we're excited for. While the zine will have a direct feminist message, broken down to address a mainstream audience, and edited by a group of students, this Spring we will also be hosting a Femme Festival. The six-day Festival will take place in April 2011 and address different aspects of the female experience.

We are currently planning our first meeting date, which will also be a chance for us to talk, craft samplers for our fundraisers, and eat free food.  Oh yes, there will be free food.  More to come on...

  • updates to the FEMME Festival schedule--set to take place the week of April 4, 2011; 
  • volunteer opportunities;
  • group meetings;
  • fundraiser details; 
  • zine articles; 
  • and more! 
 We will also be accepting applications for...

  •  zine submissions;
  • fashion show designers; 
  • craft fair tablers; 
  • and coffee house performers.  
Oh, and did we mention we'll also be selling spots in a burlesque workshop, where you can learn all the classic burlesque moves... from a professional burlesque dancer?  Tickets will be offered at a discounted price for MSU students.

So follow us on facebook , subscribe to us, submit to us, and stalk us in any other way technology and the law permits!  We also love love, so be sure to send some our way.  ✉femvolution.msu@gmail.com